
Please feel free to contact EZ TRANSLATIONS with your query. Please use the form below to describe your query in detail and append any required attachements.

EZ TRANSLATIONS will contact you upon receipt of your request to further discuss details of your order.


Ekaterina Zakharyan
Übersetzerin (M.A.), BDÜ
Allgemein ermächtigte Übersetzerin für die russische Sprache
Medizinische Kodierfachkraft (IHK)

Mobile: +49 (0)176 247 512 90

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Meetings by prior arrangement only!
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Attachment 4:
I have read the Privacy Policy note. I agree that my data and personal details are collected and safed electronically to respond to my query. Please note: You can withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future sending an Email to info@ez-translations.com.
* Required fields

Call, send us an Email or use our query form.

Ekaterina Zakharyan
Translator (M.A.)
Clinical Coder
Sworn translator of the Russian language
Ekaterina Zakharyan

Diese Daten sind gegen Spambots geschützt! Sie müssen JavaScript aktivieren, damit Sie sie sehen können. Mobile: +49 0 176 247 51 290
Meetings by prior arrangement only!

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