

EZ TRANSLATIONS is your dependable and proficient partner for all medical, pharmaceutical, biotechnological and healthcare translation and interpretation services. We provide also medical and pharmaceutical document and publication translation.

EZ TRANSLATIONS provides services in Russian, German and English.

EZ TRANSLATIONS provides services both for business and private customers.

EZ TRANSLATIONS specializes in various fields, among the most important of which are:

For other languages please contact EZ TRANSLATIONS. Need a translation from a non-listed area? We are happy to offer you access to our extended network of experienced translators offering work in other languages and/or fields.   

This service is offered free of charge!

Call, send us an Email or use our query form.

Ekaterina Zakharyan
Translator (M.A.)
Clinical Coder
Sworn translator of the Russian language
Ekaterina Zakharyan

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Meetings by prior arrangement only!

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